

Food Security & Livelihoods


This page is listing useful resources exploring a great potential of ICTs to reduce poverty and empower the poor to help themselves.

§ Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems (FIVIMS)

The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2008

This year’s FAO report focuses on high food prices, which are having a serious impact on the poorest populations in the world, drastically reducing their already low purchasing power. High food prices have increased levels of food deprivation, while placing tremendous pressure on achieving internationally agreed goals on hunger by 2015.

Food-security assessments in emergencies: a livelihoods approach

Food security, or rather insecurity, is at the heart of food crises and food-related emergencies. It is an underlying cause of malnutrition and mortality, and a significant factor in longer term livelihood security. Food insecurity may cause irreparable damage to livelihoods, thereby reducing self-sufficiency. It is therefore part of the process leading to malnutrition, morbidity and mortality. In addition, the state of being food insecure directly contributes to destitution and damaged livelihoods in the long term. (Humanitarian Practice Network )

Making the LEAP: Applying the LEAP Framework to World Vision Food Programming

Learning through Evaluation with Accountability and Planning (LEAP) is World Vision International’s design, monitoring and evaluation (DME) framework. Making the LEAP focuses specifically on food-based programming. This includes food security, nutrition and livelihoods programmes that use food as an input to achieve their goals and objectives. More specifically, the types of programmes and projects covered include General Food Distributions; Supplemental Feeding; Therapeutic Feeding (including Community Therapeutic Care; Food for Education ; Food for Work; and Food for Assets, and Food for Training. (by World Vision International FPMG).

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